Dogs & Doxology:
Stories of Nature, Hope, & Beauty

Surprised by Scripture
"In our studies, we explore everything from fun linguistic elements to the great mysteries of life. Each moment of study is an invitation to walk with people through the questions and revelations; to sit beside them as they wrestle and discover the timeless abundance hidden in the text." —Holly Ullman

Forest Walks
A healthy grove of old growth redwoods creates a canopy, a roof of soft filtered light, like walking into a high-vaulted cathedral with glass windows all around. The dampened sound arrests me, making me pause, speak quietly, and listen. The woody perfume fills the air with a heavenly earthy incense.

Reflections on the Crosstown Trail
People come across our paths and walk with us for a time. Some stay til the end and others diverge onto other paths. But every accompaniment of another carries significance, propelling us onward, bringing us hope and delight in the present moment.