Dogs & Doxology:
Stories of Nature, Hope, & Beauty

Thanksgiving Playbook, Episode 4: Closing Time
As we close this Thanksgiving Playbook series, we would be remiss if we failed to talk about endings. The hard truth of life is that everything comes to an end and learning to end well—to consider the close—is part of what makes an intentional gathering, well, intentional.

Thanksgiving Playbook, Episode 3: “Are You Not Entertained?!”
Creating meaningful gatherings is not to be confused with entertainment, as though it were a kind of show the host is putting on for the guests.
In fact, this Thanksgiving we invite you to turn the whole notion of host and guest upside down.

Thanksgiving Playbook, Episode 2: The Hobbits Got it Right
The hobbits are distinct among all the inhabitants of Middle-earth, namely for their deep and sometimes troublesome preoccupation with food and drink.

Thanksgiving Playbook, Episode 1: Wait, Is This a Costume Party!?
You know that scene from Stranger Things: Season 2, when the boys show up to school fully decked out as Ghostbusters and are completely mortified when they realize no one else is wearing a costume?
“Guys. Guys! GUYS! Why is no one else wearing costumes?”

Welcome to Our Thanksgiving Playbook
While the call to war is obviously figurative, it is intended to be no less arresting than hearing the tocsin bells start up in a medieval town. It’s a call to radically shift our outlook, to move from a day of just food, family, and football—though good pursuits in and of themselves—to a heightened sense of purpose, a gathering unique in time and space, never to be repeated, whose impact will ripple across the cosmos.